For new readers: HERE are links to download my CV, ebooks, best recent posts, and how to search my archives. HERE are links to OSR and chlorine dioxide products, contact information for experienced provider Kerri Rivera, and information on how to buy drugs from foreign pharmacies. Thank you for reviewing Judas Dentistry; the direct link is HERE.
I will call this guy Sam. He has enormous experience saving his patients using chlorine dioxide. He shared valuable information about his methods and doses, and I attached the transcript for that part of the interview at the end.
Sam jumped into an unforeseen topic at the start of our chat, and since I was jetlagged, I missed where the conversation was going. He described the self-assembling micro-robots thriving—no, multiplying—in our blood. As I woke up, I had a whiff of déjà vu from my middle adulthood:
Cyberdyne Systems built Skynet, a revolutionary artificial intelligence system [of] defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence… The system went online on August 4, 1997, removing human decisions from strategic defense. It began to learn rapidly and became self-aware on August 29, 1997...
Skynet saw all humans as a threat… and decided our fate in a microsecond—extermination. It began a nuclear war that destroyed most of the human population and initiated a program of genocide against survivors. —dialog of the Terminator movie character Kyle Reese, abridged from Wiki
Dr. Sam spoke about his friend, “scientist” Ana Maria Mihalcea, who was busy squinting through microscopes and checking out baby robots she supposedly found in her patients’ blood. (I wrote about her earlier HERE). The next thing I knew, Sam had launched into theories that sounded like La Quinta Columna, the Spanish doctor group I interviewed in Spain. Their name means “The Resistance” or “Fifth Column.” Sam said:
The little devils were moving!
They looked like machines and were self-assembling!
Every person now has a unique Bluetooth code. Even the unvaccinated weren’t always safe because they might have been “shed on!”
Dead people in graveyards had codes, too!
Bluetooth was being used to activate these pesky robots, and they could be talking to their central command through 5 G, maybe beamed down from Elon Musk’s Starlink system!
So far, they are “resting,” but once they go online, they might decide our fate in a millisecond!! Zombie activation from the graveyards might happen!!! (I made the last part up, but that’s where the story seems to go.)
I freaked out (Time to panic! The world is ending!) for a few weeks. Then I realized the story was a derivative science fiction script copied from Terminator I, II, and maybe World War Z. The movie industry had been poisoning our peace of mind for a hundred years, and this was more of that.
Once I got the joke, I wished this damned idiocy was more like the funny satire Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead. If it were, I could start wisecracking about chainsaws.
All five movies are top-quality entertainment and will likely be déjà vu from a gentler period in your life. They also yield insights about how the Cabal has been using Hollywood to weaken our reasoning and program us to believe rubbish. You have my permission to waste a day watching them, and you get extra credit for quoting Star Trek in the comments… Beam me up, Scotty!
Here is a sample of Dr. Sam’s robot opinions
I excerpted this rant from my interview and used, an auto-transcribe service, to bring it to you. I left it unedited so you can judge how the program performs.
Most readers should simply scan this part, but you may decide to squint more closely at it if you are a robotologist like Anna Maria.
Sam: And so I realized that shedding from vaccinated to non-vaccinated obviously was by sexual intercourse or exchange of saliva or exchange of secretions of the body. Yes. Okay. And so I, fortunately for me, I knew Dr. Ana Mihalcea because I was seeing almost all her research in this area with darkfield microscopy in the blood of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. And so we were putting the puzzle, we were resolving the puzzle because I didn't know many things about this nanotechnology. For example, she did a darkfield microscopy in the blood of the people who died eight months earlier. And so eight months after these people died, this blood was put in a refrigerator from the environment. And so this blood was placed in the dark-field microscopy and it still has nanorobots, like self-assembly nanorobots, okay, in this dark-field microscopy. So it makes sense to me why these people in the cemetery keep on giving me Bluetooth code signals even they were dead. So these nanorobots keep on self-assembly during the time. Not only obviously in the dead people, because I am not sure how long it's going to take to get rid of all these nanotechnology inside the bodies of the vaccinated people. And as far as we know at this time, many non-vaccinated people have inside their body, in their blood, nanotechnology. because they have a sexual partner or because even it's not necessary to have a sexual partner to have this nanotechnology because we know that these nanorobots are inside the dental anesthetics and the insulin and many more substances, for example, in the food, etc. or in the air by geoengineering. And so it's very concerning, these things. I am very worried because I don't know how it's going to be the future of this humanity.
Yoho: So do you have unique codes that appeared for individuals? Because from what I understand, that was not the case. There are codes, all kinds of codes appear, and they change all the time, and it is not unique for the individual. Is that correct?
Sam: Completely correct, because we found this in our investigation, because it was not a unique code. I want to try to explain how it's going this step by step. First, the vaccines of all brands have inside the vials, they have graphenocytes and other elements like some of them radioactive elements, The main ingredient for this nanotechnology is graphene oxide. Second, when the people receive the shot, it changes the temperature from, as I was telling you, minus 70 to 36.5 to 37.5. Then it's magnetized. After one hour and 30 minutes, more or less, one hour and 40 minutes, when the patient who received the shot is in close contact with a cell phone, a router, or modem, or starts to assembly these nano devices. It's a self-assembly. Once it is formed, the nano device, in this case it's called nano router, there is an artificial intelligence who detects that the nano device is already formed. And this Karen Kingston, in an interview with the computers, says a company who is in Beijing, in China, okay? And this company, its specialty is artificial intelligence. Okay, and I have some friends who are doing research where are located these artificial intelligence around the planet. And so we know that this artificial intelligence detects the nano device once it's formed in the body of the patient. And it sends wirelessly, obviously, a Bluetooth code. But not only one, because it would be an only one Bluetooth code. The bodies of the vaccinated would be hijacked for other purposes. Because you can imagine, for example, there is a group with artificial intelligence that is with, I don't know, communism or socialism ideas. And the other group is with conservative ideas. And so they could hijack even the thoughts and emotions and behavior of these groups. That's why they change every 30 seconds or every 45 seconds. They are constantly changing the Bluetooth codes of the vaccinated. So it cannot be hijacked.
Serious, otherwise functional people are gravely concerned about this story, just as serious people are “fact-checking” World War Z.
I try to be polite to my guests and give them leeway, for we focus on their ideas, not mine. However, I had not agreed to talk about those pesky little (flesh-eating? cyber-controlling? science-fictional?) robots Dr. Sam thinks may take over the planet. When the conversation went in that direction, I felt bushwhacked and tried to respectfully inject a little reality. I later considered deleting his interview, but since so many people are still getting fooled by this, it is important. I decided to make the good doctor anonymous instead.
I do not expect you to find my zombie-movie-viewing experiences credible evidence for anything, and I am just smart enough to know when I am out of my depth. So I turned to my friend George, a systems engineer and Bluetooth/WiFi expert. I know from the brain biopsy I performed on him recently that his IQ is at least a standard deviation higher than mine. Several months ago, when I previously considered those exasperating zombies, I sent him the Bluetruthdocumentary video that Sam cited to substantiate his claims. George said, “Yeah, the Spanish doctors simply don’t know what they’re doing with Bluetooth, and this is pseudoscience.”
George continued, “Sasha Latypova has the best response to this nonsense, bar none.” Her recent post describing her views is HERE, and I fell in love with her again as I read it.
From Latypova (this post deserves your attention more than mine does):
If I had a dollar for every account in my comment section that breathlessly repeats one of these tales, posting links to patents and IEEE (proofs!!!), and then goes bezerk-abusive when told this is nonsense! The commitment to this bullshit is too strong to be just spontaneous mass misunderstanding. IMO, it’s much more than that; it has the hallmarks of an informational campaign…
The nanobot theory belongs to the group of materialist theories which view human body as a random assemblage of matter animated by chemical and electrical reactions. Once “The Science(TM)” identifies all the particles, genes, and proteins, etc. - it will make it all editable and controllable. The Science is nowhere close to that, but the popular imagination has been conveniently shaped to think it is. Most lay people and even most of the “experts” believe this is all within technological reach because of the massive sci-fi/techno brainwashing that has gone on since approximately late 19th century.
George again:
The key point is that a lot of the tech bros believe this shit. James Bond movies brainwashed everyone else.
HERE is another debunking:
The author knows folks who filmed some blood/vaccine interaction under microscopes, and there was weird material – she is credible – but they’re not claiming it’s nanobots or Bluetooth.
Those vaccines were highly contaminated.
Once you see this story, you can never unsee it.
Many other modern fables will also be laid bare for you. Google provides their usual reliable information about the following:
Egyptians came from outer space or were visited by aliens or something like that. Search for “space aliens and Egypt,” and you will uncover a trove of related material, including my favorite, “Egypt tells Elon Musk its pyramids were not built by aliens” after he tweeted, “Aliens built the pyramids obv.” This got 84,000 retweets. Those idiots should be reading Surviving Healthcare instead.
I always thought UFOs were simply the province of weak minds, but after I started learning all the ways our intellects have been invaded by the Cabal, I put it together better. Our very own CIA-dominated Wikipedia lends gravitas to the space invader story HERE.
This is not all bad; Roswell, a town in New Mexico, has made itself a tourist mecca by riffing this tune. I visited it with my bros on last year’s road trip and found plastic aliens everywhere. We asked everyone we met there whether aliens were real, and they agreed to a man that they were. Their museum proved it:
Bashing Scientologists is like playing chess with retards, but their mythology deserves honorable mention here. When one of their acolytes reaches the penultimate level of understanding, they get treated to the Thetan story. It is another bad script, and L Ron Hubbard’s interest in “overpopulation” is evidence he was a globalist, or at least agreed with them.
Xenu, the galactic warlord, 75 million years ago, was in charge of 76 overpopulated planets. Xenu brought trillions of these alien beings to Earth (called Teegeeack) on spaceships that resembled DC-9 planes and placed them in select volcanoes. He then vaporized them with hydrogen bombs, scattering to the winds their souls, called thetans, which were then rounded up in electronic traps and implanted with false ideas. These corrupted thetans attach themselves to people today, leading to drug and alcohol abuse, addiction, depression, and other psychological and social ailments that only Scientology classes and “auditing” employing “e-meters” can cure. Paying customers, by the way, do not get to hear this story until they reach Operating Thetan Level III.
“Conspiracy theory” is a phrase probably invented by the deep state to counter transparent evidence that the JFK assassination was a US government operation. Wiki’s “List of Conspiracy Theories” is a comprehensive guide to many of these. It mixes true and false, fact and fiction, drivel and intimidation. You should unsubscribe from me if you do not already understand 80 percent of it.
For example, the following “theory” described there is accurate:
The New World Order theory states that a group of international elites control governments, industry, and media organizations, with the goal of establishing global hegemony. They are alleged to be implicated in most of the major wars of the last two centuries, to carry out secretly staged events, and to deliberately manipulate economies.
Do not spend too much time on Wikipedia; it will hurt your head. Studying each subject individually using better references is more productive.
Hitler and Stalin were credited separately with saying that big, improbable lies are more often believed than small ones. That is happening today—we are being told to deny the evidence before our eyes and believe crazy things.
I promised you value from Dr. Sam.
His chlorine dioxide expertise is genuine, and this part of his interview is worth your time getting to here. I abridged my transcript below for clarity:
Yoho: For intravenous use, is the original 3,000 parts per million CDS diluted at 50 to 1 or 100 to 1?
Sam: Put 20 milliliters of the 3000 ppm in a half liter of saline solution. And you use half of a 50 cc vial of 7.5% sodium bicarbonate. We run this at around 28 to 30 drops per minute over six hours. (Yoho: 6.4 percent bicarb is available in the USA, and we used it to buffer our local anesthetic for liposuction.)
Yoho: What patients do you treat intravenously?
Sam: Cancer patients mainly.
Yoho: How many days in a row do you go, and what is your treatment regimen?
Sam: Every day, at least half a liter from Monday to Friday, rest Saturday and Sunday, and continue this treatment for three weeks, more or less. Then, you can use enemas and oral. Enemas go straight to the portal vein and then to the liver.
Yoho: Is the solution given rectally about the same strength as the intravenous one?
Sam: It's almost the same. Cancer patients should receive CD intravenously. If there are no nurses, you can use CDI (CDS manufactured using a commercial method) through an enema. One of my recent cancer patients was entirely cured of his large intestine tumor.
She received two shots of the covid vaccine in 2021 and then diagnosed with colon cancer in February of 2024. I started treating her with CDS orally and by enema. I treated her in February, March, April, and May, and by June, her cancer had disappeared entirely. I believe that she had this because she was vaccinated. We believe vaccinated patients can have harmful effects like this for at least ten years. This is because it is an RNA messenger platform that changes the cell genome.
Yoho: how many cancer cases have you cured, and what else have you seen?
Sam: Cancer patients are never cured; they go into remission, so I keep watching them. I have, in my practice, more than 150 cancer patients now who are being treated with the chlorine dioxide solution and other things. For example, I use herbal products to clean the liver, clean the kidneys, and clear fungus and parasites from the large and small intestines.
Yoho: Fungus is a common problem, isn't it? What herbs do you use for that?
Sam: It's called pauvarco, from a Brazillian tree.
Yoho: Do you use fenbendazole and ivermectin as well and if so at what dosage?
Sam: Both. Monday through Thursday, rest Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and then we continue. I also use 100 milligrams of fenbendazole three times a day for three days and rest the remaining days of the week. I keep cancer patients on this regimen for at least three months.
Yoho: American online groups and some doctors recommend much higher ivermectin doses, up to 75 or 100 milligrams daily. What do you think about that?
Sam: It's okay, but they don't use CDS. I use CDS plus the ivermectin and fenbendazole, primarily rectal.
Yoho: Once more, the concentration of the rectal CDS is the same as your intravenous, or is it a little stronger?
Sam: We put between 20 and 30 milliliters in 400 milliliters of saline solution or purified water for the enemas.
Yoho: Do you need to use sodium bicarbonate to buffer these enemas?
Sam: No, it is not necessary for the enema. You use the CDS 20 or 30 cc plus 400 milliliters of purified water or saline solution. We leave it in four minutes and then let it out. Twice a day, from Monday through Friday.
Yoho: Dr. Sam, what do you do for Parkinson's? I was diagnosed with it about a year ago, and it doesn't seem to be getting a heck of a lot better despite everything I've done.
Sam: So you must change your diet entirely because we have seen a rupture, a breaking of the normal gut barrier. If you don't treat the leaky gut syndrome, toxins keep passing into the bloodstream and then to the brain. And so your brain is full of toxins and heavy metals. You must get rid of heavy metals, and you can use the excellent protocol of my dear friend, Dr. Ana Michalcia, who has saved many lives.
Yoho: She's using EDTA.
Sam: That's right.
Yoho: I've been warned away from EDTA because it's only a weak chelator and has caused kidney injury in mercury toxic people.
Sam: We use EDTA in hospitals to treat ICU patients. I also like zeolites. You must chelate the toxins, including the heavy metals, from your system. Liver detox is a must for any chronic disease, even Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.
Yoho: What is your formula for liver detox?
Sam: I use products from a company named Nature's Orange. They use a brand called live A. You take three capsules a day. We also use the Andreas Maurice protocol with Epsom salts, cedar vinegar, and apple. There are other ways to detoxify the liver, but I prefer these capsules. They are the best I have used from this company, Nature Science and Products. The name is LipA. (Yoho: I think the link is HERE, but I am not sure if this is right.)
Yoho: What about diet?
Sam: No flour, no sugar.
Yoho: I went on a carnivore diet for two and a half months and couldn't stand it. I got constipated.
Sam: You must remove fungus and parasites from your body. They thrive on flour, dairy, and sugar products.
Yoho: Doesn't chlorine dioxide itself destroy fungus?
Sam: Yes, but remember to kill the parasites with something else. Chlorine dioxide alone is usually not enough.
Yoho: Do you recommend a course of fenbendazole, and if so, how long?
Sam: One month. Remember, three times a week, rest four days, and then three times the following week. The dose is 100 milligrams three times a day.
Yoho: That's a lot more than the doses for pinworms.
Sam: It's a killing formula for parasites that works well.
Yoho: Do you ever recommend fluconazole?
Sam: No, no, because it is very toxic for the liver.
Yoho: It's a fluoridated compound. It was recommended to me, but I have doubts about taking it.
Sam: No, no, no, don't take it because it's very toxic.
Sam: I conclude by saying that I carefully studied the work of my dear friend and mentor, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea. We will publish a paper about this in the next few months and have researchers and collaborators worldwide. You may change your mind if you look deeply and understand all the aspects.
Yoho: It was an excellent interview. I hope I didn't pester you too severely, but I can't let things pass that I have examined and dismissed. I will look again, but I hope to find that you are wrong because your theories are horrifying. Thanks again for your time.
Sam: You are very welcome.
DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk.
Parting shot: early history of the psych-out wars
A report in the November 26, 1967, book section of the Washington Post told the story. The author was Herschel McLandress, the pen name for John Kenneth Galbraith, a Harvard economics professor and U.S. Ambassador to India during Kennedy’s administration. G. Edward Griffin wrote about it in Creature from Jekyll Island:
Although the origin of the report is highly debated, the document itself hints that it was commissioned by the Department of Defense under Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and was produced by the Hudson Institute located at the base of Iron Mountain in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. The Hudson Institute was founded and directed by Herman Kahn, formerly of the Rand Corporation. Both McNamara and Kahn were members of the CFR.
The final candidate for a useful global threat was pollution of the environment. This was viewed as the most likely to succeed because it could be related to observable conditions such as smog and water pollution– in other words, it would be based partly on fact and, therefore, be credible. Predictions could be made showing end-of-earth scenarios just as horrible as atomic warfare.
Accuracy in these predictions would not be important. Their purpose would be to frighten, not to inform. It might even be necessary to deliberately poison the environment to make the predictions more convincing and to focus the public mind on fighting a new enemy.
The masses would more willingly accept a falling standard of living, tax increases, and bureaucratic intervention in their lives as simply “the price we must pay to save Mother Earth.”
As the Report pointed out, truth is not important in these matters. It’s what people can be made to believe that counts. “Credibility” is the key, not reality.
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